Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Helpful Hints for Your Holidays

I believe that with the busy seasons right at our door step, we are all guilty of rushing in without much thought to self-care and wellness. We have a pumpkin to carve; a turkey to bake; a tree to decorate and gifts to buy. Who has time to take care of themselves?

I am afraid that if we don't heed some of the helpful hints listed below, we will all struggle with sleepless nights, irritable days, and lack the patience to get through the holidays. Stress not only robs us of our health, but also robs us the joy we can experience as we share these meaningful holidays with our friends and loved ones.

So, please, slow down. Be good to yourself so that in turn you can be good to others. Enjoy the blessings that God is showering down on you...and smile.

To Lessen (A)Effects of Stress in Your Life:

  1. Start your day with breakfast
  2. Eat smaller meals every 3-4 hours
  3. Eat more fiber, fresh fruits, and vegetables
  4. Drink water
  5. Watch caffeine intake (especially in the afternoon)
  6. Splash water on your face when feeling fatigued
  7. Vent feelings in a journal or with a friend
  8. Turn on some of your favorite tunes
  9. Let go of grudges
  10. Dress for success
  11. Energize your spirit
  12. Take belly breaths
  13. De-clutter your home (or at least a corner)
  14. Do something good for another person
  15. Cut back on TV and computer time (especially after 8 pm)
  16. Skip alcohol; or avoid 2-3 hours prior to bed time
  17. Exercise
  18. Get a restorative rest
  19. Read inspirational books, quotes, passages, scripture