Please remember in your prayers, all of those who have suffered great loss.
I want to invite you to take advantage of yoga opportunites this summer; join us for a wonderful series - Experiencing Your Gifts, taught by my dear friend (and experienced teacher), Sarah Hogan and myself. Call 719.385.7920 to register by June 13.
Or share a Saturday morning rise and shine with me here at my home studio.
There will also be yoga hikes - opportunities to celebrate life in God's creation, while breathing in the surrounding beauty. All the details are below.
Questions? Please call me. 719.352.9272.
Take the time this summer to really unwind. Connect with God, with friends and family, with self. Seek gratitude and enjoy the gifts and blessings God has given. And be sure to share your joy with others.
"At times, each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us." ~ Maya Angelou
Summer Yoga - June 14 thru July 21
Summer Yoga - June 14 thru July 21
Six Week Series: $40 - or $10 for drop-n per class
**Tuesdays - June 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 12, 19
**Tuesdays - June 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 12, 19
4:45 PM, Chapel Hills Church
2023 Parliament Dr., Co Springs
**Thursdays - June 16, 23, 30 and July 7, 14, 21
2023 Parliament Dr., Co Springs
**Thursdays - June 16, 23, 30 and July 7, 14, 21
8:30 AM, Westside Community Center
Old CO City, 1628 W. Bijou Street
10:30 AM, Westside Community Center
Old CO City / Senior Chair Class
Old CO City, 1628 W. Bijou Street
10:30 AM, Westside Community Center
Old CO City / Senior Chair Class
**Saturdays - June 11, 25 and July 9 and 23
9 AM, Reflections Yoga Studio
7630 Clovis Way, Blk Forest
Four week series: $30 - or $10 for drop-n per class
7630 Clovis Way, Blk Forest
Four week series: $30 - or $10 for drop-n per class
**Summer Yoga Hikes - Stay Tuned for Dates