Well, I have always wanted it to be so. Helen Keller once said, "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." If you are like me, you too, have sought a kindred spirit to share in life's joys and sorrows.
In this technical age when many draw into themselves, being or having a friend appears to be more and more difficult. Perhaps life's worries have consumed so much energy that it seems too much effort. However, if we take all of these possible factors out of the equation then perhaps on a level playing field we can start by just showing some basic kindness to those whom God places in our lives.
I know at times in my life, when I have been fearful or struggling with my personal woes, reaching out to others has been the perfect medicine for me. Offer a smile, a helping hand, a phone call. I won't deny it is hard to do the very thing our soul rejects when feeling down and blue, but these acts of kindness while experiencing human contact lifts our hearts and eyes beyond our desperation. If you are lonely, chances are someone else around you is too.
There are many ways to meet others. Think about what moves you and join a group. Have you ever checked out http://www.meetup.com? You may discover others with common beliefs and interests. And it may surprise you that the very person whom you felt couldn't possibly be friendship material, happens to be the very one who could be your new very 'best' friend!
We all have value, and there is an indescribable potential in all of us. No one is better than you, and you are no better than anyone else. Resist the impulse to judge someone who appears to be different than you. Keep an open mind when meeting new people, and watch a marvel happen. Better yet - I believe if we keep our hearts accessible and refuse to set specific expectations many doors will open to promising friendships!
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...
We love because He first loved us."
We love because He first loved us."
1 John 4:18a -19