Friday, November 9, 2012

A New Home

I am back from California and ready to settle into my physical new home in Monument, CO!  I am grateful that I have the opportunity to refresh my design skills with some remodeling and updating.  But while we wait to move in we are still out of sorts, so to speak, as we are living in a hotel in Broomfield, is a testimony that with Christ, we can be at home anywhere.  In the meantime, I am enjoying yoga for myself and hope to be back teaching next year!  

If you happen upon my blog and are interested in Christ-centered yoga classes in Monument/Co Springs area, contact me, and I can point you in the direction of some wonderful teachers.


"I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the LIVING. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." ~ Psalm 27:13-14

I read these words this morning. I find it interesting that the place where I wait for the Lord is in the land of the LIVING. I am not waiting on Him where my heart is dark and dead. I am not waiting on Him where my my heart is an empty shell of humanity. I am not waiting where I believe there is no purpose, hope, strength, resolve or abundant Life. These places are indeed dark; dimming my ability to see God's goodness and righteousness. My heart is full of every discouragement, complaint, and negative belief that embraces hopelessness. IF I am in this place of waiting then I trust that I would NOT see God Himself if He stood right in front of me much less His goodness!

I can see God's goodness in me and all around me when I wait in the place of abundant LIFE, the land of the LIVING. Jesus Christ - He is the LIFE - the LIGHT that illuminates all that is beautiful, hopeful and truthful. He brings purpose and beauty to my life. He gives me the strength to wait in hope, and He encourages my heart with His truth.

Where does your heart reside today? Where are you waiting when you face heartache, trouble and despair? Are you in the waiting rooms of emptiness, weakness, hopelessness, or even the grave room of nothingness?

Take time to reflect and evaluate where you are. Then make a brave decision and choose to MOVE. Yes, we can all be confident that He is all that we need, and He is our very LIFE itself. I believe there is nothing more good than this! This is where I want to live; don't you?