Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This Present Moment

"The meaning of our earthly existence lies not as we have grown used to thinking,
in prospering, but in the development of our soul."  

Alexander Solzhenitsyn 
as quoted in the book, The Good and Beautiful Life

If you were like me, you probably did at least a cursory evaluation of this past year - even if you didn't make any New Year's Resolutions.  As I reflected back on 2012, I recognized successes and failures, gains and losses.  Each have taught me so much and from each experience, I do believe I have grown wiser.  Or at least, I hope I have!  And for that I can release this old year with a grateful heart.  One of my resolutions is to be grateful not only for the good times in my life but also the hard times. And to eat more vegetables.

In contemplation of 2013, I pray that I will be more teachable, more humble, more generous, more kinder, more patient, more forgiving, more hopeful, more inquisitive (to my husband's dismay, perhaps!), more graceful, more understanding, more repentant, more accepting, more loving, more trusting, more accountable, and certainly more open and transparent.

Three years ago, I would have not prayed for all this.  Instead, my attention was on my definition of a 'good and beautiful life'.  Definition: I could be happier I had fewer problems or heartaches - I even talked myself into believing that everything status quo was better than the mountain top.  I was wise enough to know I couldn't stay on the mountain, but I sure as heck didn't want to go into the valley any more. Middle ground.  That's safe.  Right?  We all believe the lie that life isn't worth it or doesn't even resemble beautiful if raddled with heartache, pain, problems or suffering.  Or perhaps this one: God must not care or love me if I have all these struggles in my life.  But the reality is that no matter where we are in life, there will always be the problems of this world, the heartaches of our lives, and the suffering.  NO one is excluded. BUT the other side of that is a more powerful truth.  God is our refuge and our strength.  An EVER PRESENT help in our troubles.

Whether you are excited or full of apprehension of this coming year, remember that God will empower you to meet every situation with confidence and strength.  With this embedded as a vital part of your foundation, you can release any of your concerns about your future to Him.

Perhaps you don't believe this or you just have serious doubts.  That's OK.  God is a tender God.  He approaches us with gentleness and care.  Let your unbelief or your doubts be the door to His Presence in your life.  He cares for you and will keep pursuing you with His Love. Just be open to the possibilities that await and see what happens!  Allow Him to shape and mold your soul into who He designed and created you to be - a person living in joy and freedom in His Presence despite life's circumstances.

Today, I am ready to stand tall in this present moment.  I appreciate the now - perfectly balanced between the blessings and the afflictions in my life. This is the moment of power and action!  Release and let go.
My resolve is to be ready to make the most of this present moment.  Are you ready to join me?

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
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