It isn't uncommon that we all are blessed with seasons of relaxation, fun, nothingness...and although I love these times, there is something that calls me back to a more purposeful living. I long for routine and structure.
God has given us charge over our lives...We have the gift of choice. And if we are wise, we choose to fill each moment with meaningful activity; dare I say it? The word is work. Work is to enhance our lives. It isn't a curse or a result of the fall, but an indispensable component to a meaningful life.
We honor God when we invest and involve ourselves in work (service) to cultivate, transform and change all we can by His power for His good. Work. Hebrew: Abodah (ab-o-daw'). Service. Beautiful words.
We hear lots about our need for rest, and the need to create balance in our lives. Perhaps the focus isn't really about rest and establishing balance, but about seeing work from a different perspective; seeing work/service as a gift and blessing to our lives.
As I think more about this, I also understand that work was never meant to give us our self-worth. That only comes from the person of Jesus Christ. With that in mind, I can establish healthy boundaries of work/service by honoring and enjoying times of rest in my life.
We were created to work and rest. Created in the image of God, remembering He worked 6 days and then rested. I realize as I age, I am slowing down. But I pray that I never stop living a meaningful life and serving others with the same generosity, love and compassion my Lord has shown me.
Create a routine. Honor it with work and rest. They are both essential for a purposeful life lived abundantly in Him.
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