Sunday, January 15, 2012

Revamp Your Diet

The food we eat has a direct result on our health and our emotional life. Sometimes even when we maintain a generally healthy diet, we can hurt ourselves in other ways. For instance, when we feel tired we reach for caffeine or sugar to "pick up" our mood. But these substances often create "crashes" that leave us feeling worse than we did to begin with.
Once again, yoga can help. The next time you need a pick-me-up, don't automatically reach for that dietary crutch. Instead, try a natural stimulant, like a quick walk in the sunshine, some deep breaths of fresh air, or your favorite yoga pose. Your favorite breath technique (pranayama) can also help oxygenate—and wake up—your body and mind.  ~ Yoga Journal, January 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Facing Fears

I went ice skating last Thursday with Kurt and some friends. Lynn and Dale 'grew-up' in Wisconsin, and as most of you know, my husband, Kurt, is from Michigan. Well, I am from Georgia. Enough said.

I watched them glide effortlessly in and out among the other skaters while I shuffled (yes, you can shuffle on ice!), along the rink's outer border. You know. Just in case.
My friend, Lynn, at 60 years old, was jumping, spinning and skating backwards. I was in awe. The fact of the matter was since I had never learned as a child, I was just plum scared. Afraid of getting hurt.

Having pity on me, Kurt came along side me and took my hand. He gave simple instructions, and with the stability of a slight touch, I found my sea legs, whoops, I mean skate legs! I was bending into my knees, pushing off with one leg while taking a long glide with the other. It wasn't by any means a pretty sight, but I was skating! And as long as I didn't gather too much speed, I was comfortable and felt, well, safe and encouraged.
I thought how much our lives are like this...when we are fearful. We cling to what we consider safe and watch in envy those around us who are enjoying life! Living life! They are gliding along effortlessly. And here we are - stuck...just shuffling along. Around and around in the never-ending circle. That is until someone comes along side us and encourages us.

Do you have a vision for your life and want to do something greater than what you've been doing? Are you going to cling to the edge of the rink and watch everyone else go by, or will you be one of those rare individuals who glide out on the ice and refuse to live in fear?

May be you don't have a friend or even a family member who is willing to walk along beside you through your fear. Fear is always going to come against us, but I would encourage you to look beyond your fear and see a friend in Jesus. He is willing to hold you, touch you with the slightest touch to bring a sense of calm AND strength to face any fear that is holding you back from living your life to the fullest. Jesus tells us to take courage because of who He is!! He came to give us hope and the power to overcome - Refuse to yield to the fear and remain stuck! Take your first step of many this new year, and glide on toward joy and freedom!!

Philippians 4:13
New Living Translation (NLT)

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Winter Yoga Series

 Yoga WINTER SERIES Schedule - January and February 2012:
All classes are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. I am here to help you! Come with a open heart and mind! If you have a mat, please bring it with you. I also have a limited number to share. Wear comfy clothes you can move in, and bring water. Also, if you have a light fleece blanket, block and strap, bring them as well; these are helpful props to have on hand. You can find them all at Wal-mart. The block and strap set is about $11 and the fleece blankets are $6. If you need assistance with acquiring props, please let me know. After the first of the year, I will no longer carry props for everyone - just a few for new students. I hope you understand. 
Thank you!

If you are new to yoga or just new to class, come about 10 min early to your first class.  Then we can get to know one another, and you will have time to fill out a registration/release form.
I am looking forward to a great 2012 - expecting God to show up in our lives in a HUGE way!  Come enjoy the journey!!


Tuesday 9:15 am - Westside Community Center Six Week Series
Yoga for Beginner and Intermediate Levels - Mats provided / $6 per class
January 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14, 21

Tuesday 10:30 am - Westside Community Center Six Week Series
Chair Yoga / for those with limited mobility, suffering from an injury, or recovering from surgery OR come if you just need stress-relief and renewed energy.  
Mats provided / Senior Discount $4 per class
January 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14, 21

Wednesday 5:30 pm - Chapel Hills Church Six Week Series
Yoga for Healing NEW!  Bring your mat!  $45 for series or $10 drop-in fee
January 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15, 22
Thursday 5:45 pm - Reflections Studio Six Week Series
Yoga for Healing - NEW!  Bring your mat! $45 for series or $10 drop-in fee
January 19, 26
February 2, 9, 16, 23

 Friday 10:45 am - Reflections Studio Six Week Series
Yoga for Healing - NEW! Bring your mat! $45 for series or $10 drop-in fee
January 20, 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24

Classes are approximately 60-75 minutes long. However, chair yoga is only 50 minutes. Arriving at least 5 minutes prior to class will allow you time to sign in, set up your mat and prepare for class. If you are late, please come. Just enter very quietly so out of respect you do not disturb others. Be sure to visit any class near you for a reinvigorating or restful class. I would love to see you!

Lastly, although your mat is not sacred, it is your personal space to meet with God. Therefore out of respect for others, we do not walk on another's mat, nor do we loudly 'unfurl' our mats. Prepare your minds by entering into your practice quietly.
Thank you

Below click on the link, and you will be directed to websites that will provide directions and maps via mapquest.  I am available for private instruction, work-shops, and church group seminars or retreats.  Please contact me via email or phone to inquire about fees.

Chapel Hills Church  2025 Parliment Drive, CO Springs, 80920. 719.598.5086 Ask for Janis Chapman. ________________________________________
Reflections Yoga Studio  7630 Clovis Way, Black Forest, 80908. 719.352.9272 Ask for Pamela.
Sunridge  5820 Flintridge Drive, CO Springs, 80918. 719.352.9272

Westside Community Center  1628 West Bijou Street,
Old Colorado City, 80904.
Contact Janice Rosebush at 719.385.7920, ext. 3 for more information; or go to Woodmen Valley Chapel's website.