Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Speaking of Celebrations

I have traveled far away.  In space, in mind, in heart.  I feel the pull of a Divine Force that is taking me to a place where it is NECESSARY for me to trust.  For all the mountains I have climbed, the high leaps I have taken, the fearlessness I believed I possessed, I am humbled in realizing that fear still resides in me.  I am not as brave as I had thought.  All the courage, even my ability to trust is given to me.  I can't not conjure these strengths on my own or even will them into existence.  They are simply what they are: gifts.

I left Colorado on Sunday, September 2.  Journeying with my husband to California where he is working on a project for the next two months.  I am without a home, a job, friends and family, and my passion.  All these things I left behind.  Or did I? 
I have often thought of Christ these past few days.  In the three years of His earthly ministry, He was also without a 'home'...Yes, perhaps a physical home, but I venture that what He needed to survive in this world was available and accessable within.  He showed us how it can be we can live our lives, full of meaning, full of joy, with celebration by tapping in to the Divine nature of a Great God whose Spirit dewells within us.

So speaking truthfully to where I am and what I am facing, I will share with you my journey these next two months.  Maybe you can relate; maybe you can learn; maybe you, too, will find your voice - and speak of your celebrations.  For now, I desire to find mine.


1 comment:

Shanna Corum said...

Love reading your blog! Yes I will walk this journey with you and open my heart to hear what God is calling of me!