Thursday, February 5, 2009

Class Descriptions

Morning Stretch:
Class begins with a gentle awakening of the body with warm up stretching, followed by arm and abdominal work. Coming onto the hands and knees attention is given for stretching the legs and side body. While on the feet sun salutations and warrior series are practiced. Finishing on the floor with gentle back bends and spinal twists. The session ends with the most important pose, Savasana or resting pose. Recommended for all levels.

Gentle Journey:
Similar flows as “Morning Stretch”, but poses are held for a longer period of time to increase strength. A reflective break-a-sweat practice designed to de-stress and tone mind, body, soul. Focus is given to strength building and learning balance. Great for beginners and students of all ages and fitness levels.

Faithful Flow:
A peaceful intermediate level practice to get you sweating and centered. Balancing poses like Tree, Crane and Warrior Three are added. To assist with balancing poses, breathing techniques or Pranayamas will be introduced. This class leaves you energized and ready to take on the day. Recommended for those looking for a challenge.

Rest and Restore:
Set in a darkened room this class is an excellent way to unwind after a long day. Receive the same benefits that come from the Morning Stretch and Gentle Journey classes, but at a slower, more relaxed pace. Recommended for all levels looking for a restorative experience.

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