Monday, February 16, 2009

Setting My Mind - A Reflection for the Weak

Recently, I have been contemplating the importance of what we "set" our minds on...In God's Word in Colossians 3:2, the Lord commands, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Why do you think God says this is important? How is it relevant to us in our day to day lives?

According to Webster, to set means: the act or action of settling; intent, determined, persistent; a state of psychological preparedness to an anticipated stimulus or situation. Wow. Did you know those three very small letters possessed so much meaning? Neither did I.

It is so easy to allow our emotions, feelings and mood dictate our decisions...this couldn't be more true than when we are in pain. At that precise moment I can't think of anything other than getting the "heck out there"! I don't like feelings of despair, loneliness, hurt, confusion, and brokenness...I really don't know of any human being who does. These experiences can leave us feeling battered and bruised. More so if our decisions at those moments of pain are ones that are contrary to God and His ways of love and peace. (Let me interject that this is not referring to issues of personal self-respect and taking a stand. Sometimes putting necessary boundaries around us is important.) Temptation to give in to these moments are difficult enough to resist the first time and second time. But what about that third and fourth time? It can go on and on until we are worn down. That is unless we set our minds.

Beth Moore in her study on Esther comments that Satan knows that even the strong can grow weak, but also states the opposite is true: even the weak grow strong if we set our minds to it! How many times did you hear your parents say, "you can do anything you set your mind to"? We can purpose to respond out of our mind-set rather than our mood. We can't depend on a positive mood or disposition to help us make Godly decisions. You and I both can contest that the times we live our lives like this are the times life is most uncertain as we are tossed around like a wave upon the sea.

We all can learn to be stronger and live with the intention of setting our mind on what God reveals about us, others and life in general. In His Word, He gives us all the hope and power to renew our minds and live a transformed life. In addition to knowing His Word, part of the process also involves staying with the pain, feeling it - then taking it before God to determine His purpose in it. The natural phenomenon of a open and receptive heart is the change and transformation of His healing touch.

I am forever grateful and thankful that my God loves me enough to pursue me with this lesson...left to myself, I often get it wrong. Left to myself I look in the wrong places when I feel insecure or needy. He wants me to live victoriously in this area of my life. He wants you to, also. He also wants us to experience a life full of His beauty and full of the glory of His presence. Something that is never changing and consistent. Our God is all beautiful and glorious!

I encourage you to take time to be with God, in His Word, in His presence...set your minds on Him - His teachings; His precepts; His commands; His desires; His will. He will guard your minds and hearts, and give you strength to make wise choices and decisions that bring life and not death to your spirit.

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise to God." Philippians 1:9-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely amazing...Thank you Pamela....what wonderful words to meditate Christian hero..Jo-Dee